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Writer's pictureJeannie O

ROAD to 31 Devotional Day 18- "Send Me A Sign"

Listen to "Send Me A Sign" from my new mixtape…

In every Christian's life there comes a time where you feel like God is silent. We see others in the Bible even go through these times. Joseph when he's locked in prison for so many years - after getting a dream from God about how great he'll be one day, Job after he loses everything for a time, King David, a man after God's own heart says - How Long? And Jesus Himself asks the Father 'Why have you forsaken me?'

Psalm 13:1

"How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?"

I've had these moments, several times actually. Do these moments of silence mean God is not there? Do they mean He no longer cares? Nope, not at all actually. He's showed me, time and time again that He's always on time and most times our time is very different from His. There have been moments where I'm crying out and seeking an answer and get nothing and I think it's the end of the world until I get to the very edge and God shows up. He's not moved by our tantrums or demands. Sure He asks us to make our requests but He's God so He manages when we get the answers, it's not the other way around. And that's where true faith comes in.

2 Peter 3:8

"But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

Psalms 46:10

“Be still, and know that I am God..."

He's not confined by our time, But if your anything like me - you at least want a sign, Lol. Asking for a sign isn't ungodly either. We see Moses asks for a sign to help the people believe so God told Him He'd turn his staff into a serpent, Gideon

threw out a fleece a few times and asked for different signs from God before he went into battle, and when Jesus was born, the shepherds even looked for a sign which God instructed them to - a baby, lying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothe.

Isaiah 7:11

"Ask a sign for yourself from the LORD your God; make it deep as Sheol or high as heaven."

God's not intimidated by our requests for a sign. As seen in the scripture above He even told King Ahaz to ask for one. That King didn't want to, but at least God was still saying that he could. If you feel like you've done that and still answer, get in the word and let His voice come through the text, giving you the faith needed to press on and gain clarity.

Romans 10:17

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."

Reflection: Do you find yourself needing guidance or direction? Are you like me and need it to be crystal clear before jumping out to do something you feel led to? Do you feel forgotten or stuck? Ask God for a sign today to know that He's still with you because that will be the fuel you need to make it to the next day. And don't forget life can be hills and valleys at times, He hasn't forgotten about you, you'll hear from Him again just in time, don't give up xo

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